Give to Go, Inc. 

Go, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 mission's organization that survives on the contributions of generous donors. Donations go to supporting the ministry of Go, Inc. both here in the states and in the countries that we serve in. 

All contributions go to supporting the different areas of our ministry: house building, vision clinics, Vacation Bible Schools, water filter distribution, administrative costs, and much more. 

Check out the different ways to give below. 

All donations are tax deductible. Go, Inc.'s EIN number is 26-0042956.

There are several ways to donate to Go, Inc. 

1.) One-time gift donations: Donors can give a one-time gift to support the ministry at any point throughout the year. 

2.) Monthly financial support: Donors can support the ministry by committing to give a financial gift each month. 

There are several ways to give monthly donations- A donor can send in a check directly to Go, Inc., a donation can be submitted online through our PayPal account, or they can work with the bank directly by creating a Bill Pay check that is sent every month to our ministry. 

3.) Special giving: With our ministry having so many different facets and opportunities to reach people special gifts can be designated to one of our specific ministries: house building, Vision Clinics, Vacation Bible Schools, Water Filter Distribution, supporting a certain individual for a mission's trip, and much more. 

4.) Amazon Smile: See below for more information

5.) Giving to our Robin K. Schmidt Memorial Scholarship Fund: More information can be found below.

Robin K. Schmidt Memorial Scholarship Fund

In April 2019, Go, Inc, lost our sweet sister, beloved Board member, & dear friend Robin Schmidt. Robin loved serving Christ through participating in Missions Trips, she loved teaching & seeing students succeed, and she loved education. Knowing about these three amazing loves, we have created a Robin K. Schmidt Memorial Scholarship Fund that allows high school & college age students the chance to participate on Go, Inc. missions trips. 

High school & college age students will have the opportunity to apply for this scholarship that can be used for any one of our missions trips. We know that Robin would have loved to give any student a chance to experience missions on a firsthand basis. We want to see students lift up her legacy by having the opportunity to participate in serving Christ without worrying about how they could afford it. If you are interested in donating to the Robin K. Schmidt Memorial Scholarship Fund, please click on the "Make a Donation" button above or by sending a check to Go, Inc. at P.O. Box 761 Gladstone, OR, 97027. When you give, please write Robin K. Schmidt Memorial Scholarship Fund into the memo line. Thank you in advance for allowing us to honor & remember such an amazing woman!

If you desire to apply for the Robin K. Schmidt scholarship form, click here.

Thank You!

We are so thankful for all of our generous donors! Our ministry would not be able to survive without the prayer and financial contributions from each of our supporters. We appreciate each one of you and are blessed by your continual generosity!

To receive a financial report on how our funds are designated, email us by clicking here